InnovaHeart is a joint European workshop on the digital heart for a future where personalised cardiac care and healthcare innovations accelerate thanks to in-silicotrials & computational cardiology.
Bordeaux, France, 22 March 2023

The European Commission ambitions to develop an integrated human digital twin in Europe, as well as to create a diverse ecosystem in modelling and simulation approaches with a coherent roadmap. Cardiovascular diseases are identified as one strategic use case of interest for clinical trials supported by digital twinning technologies.


Within this framework, a one day-workshop on the Digital Heart, initiated by the EU funded project SimCardioTest, and co-organised by the EU-funded Research and Innovation Actions SIMCor, SimInSitu, the Coordination and Support Action EDITH and the EIT Health project inEurHeart will gather the European scientific community, start-ups, SMEs and industrial companies working on the digital heart, on the 22nd of March in Bordeaux.  


This one-day workshop is a combination of lectures, roundtables and live demonstrations, with opportunities for knowledge exchange and discussion on state of the art, exploitation and regulatory approval perspectives, contributing to the creation of an e-health ecosystem dedicated to the heart well-being and cardiovascular diseases. In addition a “Dev corner” will be setup to present open source software.


LOCATION of the workshop:  La Faiencerie, 24 Rue de la Faïencerie, 33300 Bordeaux, France
Registration starting at 8h05

Dinner 21 March – Icebreaker event, Le Café Maritime, Bordeaux downtown, 1 Quai Armand Lalande, 33300 Bordeaux.   (starting at 19h, no later than 19h30 ; dinner at 20h00)

Authorisation for image and voice recording: please download the form, sign it and send us a copy on site .

The participation to this workshop is open to all, registration fees.

With the support of Inria, IHU Liryc, Université de Bordeaux and the Région Nouvelle Aquitaine

*This workshop will be recorded. In accordance with the provisions relating to image rights, by registering, you authorise the recording of your image (photograph and video) and your voice, to be used and disseminated within the framework of any events or to schools, as well as in any communication linked to this event, without any territorial limitation, and without this conferring any remuneration, right or advantage whatsoever. These images will not be used for commercial purposes, and your dignity will be respected. An informed consent will be signed on site.



*regularly updated list

  • European Commission: DG CNECT.H.3 – eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing,
  • EITHealth France
  • Academia: Amsterdam UMC, Bordeaux University, Delft University of Technology, Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Grenoble Institut de Neurosciences, I3S-Université Côte d’Azur-CNRS, Institut du Cerveau (ICM), INSA Centre Val de Loire, IHU Liryc, INSERM, Inria, KU Leuven, Mines Saint-Etienne, Politecnico di Milano, Simula Research Laboratory, Technical University Eindhoven, University Aix Marseille, University of Bologna, University College of London, University of Liège, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Startup:Bits2beat, CARANX MEDICAL, DESKi, ELEM Biotech SL, ExactCure, inHeart medical, InSilicoTrials, Noctua care, Nurea, PrediSurge
  • Industries: BIOTRONIK SE&Co.KG, Cortronik GmbH, Dassault System, Microport, RDS, Siemens Healthineers, SimforHealth
  • DEV Corner
    A dev corner will also show open source software developped at Inria: Fed-BioMed , medInria, Shanoir, Sofa, Clinica & OpenVibe
  • SMEs: 4RealSim Services BV, Ansys, Lynkeus, VOISIN CONSULTING LIFE SCIENCES
  • Non-profit organisations: Avicenna Alliance, ECRIN, Fondation Inria, IT’IS Foundation, Virtual Physiological Human Institute
  • Hospitals: Bordeaux Hospital University,  Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Regional organisations: Aquitaine Science Transfert, Region Nouvelle Aquitaine